Public Notice Notice
About Carlton Men's shed.
Date 5/12/2015.
Notice to all Residents of the Carlton Housing Estates.
Carlton Men’s Shed is now open for all it’s a place provided to the residents of Carlton by the Office of Housing, (DHHS).
All those who comply the ideals of the Men’s shed movement are very welcome.
CHERS Committee is committed to re engage the community the men in the Estate and the surrounding areas that the shed is available for their use.
We are asking what they like to get from the shed both for them and for their wider community.
To have a planned activity for the next 6 months or so.
We aim to engage the men in the estate and the surrounding areas to deal local issues like encourage men to engage more the young boys.
We have approached the Church of All nations the Local Mosques such as the North Carlton and North Melbourne Mosques; we aim to contact others for help too not only material.
We also will make contact with Carlton Rotary Club which we know some of the members.
Drummond Youth Services.
YMCA and the Carlton Baths the Cheese Club in Fitzroy North, which a member of it has joined the shed.
Melbourne Mens shed which we have dealt previously.
Victoria and Australia Men’s sheds Association.
•CHERS Your Public housing residents association. Manages the Carlton Men’s Shed, housed in the workshop in the ground floor of 510 Lygon st.
See for more
We are pleased to announce that this resource is here now for you to utilize.
• In July we overcame a saga that has overshadowed the Carlton Men's Shed since its inception, in 2011.
It is no longer a closed-shop that it was and is now free to be utilised by the community.
•Men both from within the Estate and outside are welcome to use for, socializing and help the community if they want.
If you have any ideas or projects that you always thought of doing and did not have the tools or the place, here is the Carlton Men’s shed for you.
Come in to CHERS office,
Ground floor 510 Lygon st Building in Carlton.
Tel 03 9347 6553
Email: [email protected]
There has being a daily usage of around 5 men and at least 80 recorded visits in total by men from the estate and the surrounding.
Ian Cunliffe
Hon. Chairman Carlton
Men's shed
Notice to all Residents of the Carlton Housing Estates.
Carlton Men’s Shed is now open for all it’s a place provided to the residents of Carlton by the Office of Housing, (DHHS).
All those who comply the ideals of the Men’s shed movement are very welcome.
CHERS Committee is committed to re engage the community the men in the Estate and the surrounding areas that the shed is available for their use.
We are asking what they like to get from the shed both for them and for their wider community.
To have a planned activity for the next 6 months or so.
We aim to engage the men in the estate and the surrounding areas to deal local issues like encourage men to engage more the young boys.
We have approached the Church of All nations the Local Mosques such as the North Carlton and North Melbourne Mosques; we aim to contact others for help too not only material.
We also will make contact with Carlton Rotary Club which we know some of the members.
Drummond Youth Services.
YMCA and the Carlton Baths the Cheese Club in Fitzroy North, which a member of it has joined the shed.
Melbourne Mens shed which we have dealt previously.
Victoria and Australia Men’s sheds Association.
•CHERS Your Public housing residents association. Manages the Carlton Men’s Shed, housed in the workshop in the ground floor of 510 Lygon st.
See for more
We are pleased to announce that this resource is here now for you to utilize.
• In July we overcame a saga that has overshadowed the Carlton Men's Shed since its inception, in 2011.
It is no longer a closed-shop that it was and is now free to be utilised by the community.
•Men both from within the Estate and outside are welcome to use for, socializing and help the community if they want.
If you have any ideas or projects that you always thought of doing and did not have the tools or the place, here is the Carlton Men’s shed for you.
Come in to CHERS office,
Ground floor 510 Lygon st Building in Carlton.
Tel 03 9347 6553
Email: [email protected]
There has being a daily usage of around 5 men and at least 80 recorded visits in total by men from the estate and the surrounding.
Ian Cunliffe
Hon. Chairman Carlton
Men's shed
Well come to Carlton Men's Shed
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A mini documentary by
Carlton Men's shed help the Charity Noh's arche
help a family with disabled children.
In the last few weeks Carlton Men's shed has been working with the Charity, Noh's arche to help a family in Preston, to setup Children's Swing.
Thanks to those who participated, some are in these photos others are not who helped too like Ian Cunliffe.
in the Photo are.
Thanks to those who participated, some are in these photos others are not who helped too like Ian Cunliffe.
in the Photo are.
- Daniel
- Hamdi
- Don
- Marko
- Abdu
- and Ziyad
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The Carlton Men's Shed:(CMS)
Supported by
The Game - Exclusive Men's Shed Opportunity

My name is Nick Cain and i am writing to you as a producer and performer as a part of a show for this year's Melbourne Fringe Festival called "The Game", by Drawline Productions. It is a theatre performance based around the relationships between Father/Sons/Grandfathers in society. Performed in an amazing workshed (literally!) as a part of the grounds of Ormond College in Carlton, the shows delves into how these relationships are forged, the issues that are faced and ultimately how masculinity can sometimes hinder communication between individuals.It explores the silences, the unsaid bonds between male generations and indeed the inherent need to loved. As the writer, Fi McQueen, so wonderfully puts in the media release,
"The Game is a love story". But it is not your normal love is gritty, masculine, raw, bold and honest.Drawline productions would like to offer your particular Men's Shed group an opportunity to be positively involved in this year's production.Due to the strong link we see between the efforts of Men's Shed and the themes of the show, we'd love you to be a part.
We would love to offer you a fundraising opportunity with the show to benefit your particular Men's Shed and ultimately get what we believe is an important show, aired to people who need/understand the plight. We would love to offer an exclusive night to you which we would happily offer directly to you at a discounted rate of $18 per ticket (preview rate) for which you could onsell for a price you feel fit (Normal tickets prices sit @ $25.00 Adult). The profits of course going to your wonderful Mens shed organisation work.The workshed/theatre seats a total of 36 people and we would be happy to offer up the night of Thursday, 29th September as a specific night, but would be happy to work with you to organise a suitable night for the organisation. You can have as many, or as little attendees as you can muster for the get together.
We would indeed also be happy to help you with any extra media or advertising elements you may wish to help communicate the night.For some further details - please see below. We would be more than happy to talk further with you individually to ensure you feel it fits with the work of your Mens Shed participants. Please feel free to make contact and we can be sure to work with you to make the night most effective for the organisation.Some details on the show below;
The Game
The Game is a love story.
After a big night out, John wakes up in the shed with his late grandfather Max and his unborn son. John is excited to see Max, his favourite grandad. Max wants to give John the greatest gift he can – fatherhood. So what’s the problem? John’s dead; but it’s not too late, he can make a decision – live or die. John’s not sure if he wants to be a dad, he’d rather hang out with Max, like when he was young. Max wants John to be the man Max knows he can be and return to his life. Boy just wants a father who will love him and teach him how to be a good man.
Will John choose to live?
Written & Directed by Fiona McQueen
Produced by Nick Cain
Sound by Chris Wenn
Melbourne Fringe Festival
Preview: Tuesday 27 September 2011 at 7.30pm
Shows: Wednesday 28 September until Saturday 1 October 2011 at 7.30pm
The Workshed @ Ormond College
49 College Crescent, Parkville VIC 3052
Preview: $18
Shows: $25 Full/$20 Conc
Tickets on sale Tuesday 23 August 2011
Thanks for your time, i look forward to hearing your thoughts.Please check out for more on the show and the theatre company.
"The Game is a love story". But it is not your normal love is gritty, masculine, raw, bold and honest.Drawline productions would like to offer your particular Men's Shed group an opportunity to be positively involved in this year's production.Due to the strong link we see between the efforts of Men's Shed and the themes of the show, we'd love you to be a part.
We would love to offer you a fundraising opportunity with the show to benefit your particular Men's Shed and ultimately get what we believe is an important show, aired to people who need/understand the plight. We would love to offer an exclusive night to you which we would happily offer directly to you at a discounted rate of $18 per ticket (preview rate) for which you could onsell for a price you feel fit (Normal tickets prices sit @ $25.00 Adult). The profits of course going to your wonderful Mens shed organisation work.The workshed/theatre seats a total of 36 people and we would be happy to offer up the night of Thursday, 29th September as a specific night, but would be happy to work with you to organise a suitable night for the organisation. You can have as many, or as little attendees as you can muster for the get together.
We would indeed also be happy to help you with any extra media or advertising elements you may wish to help communicate the night.For some further details - please see below. We would be more than happy to talk further with you individually to ensure you feel it fits with the work of your Mens Shed participants. Please feel free to make contact and we can be sure to work with you to make the night most effective for the organisation.Some details on the show below;
The Game
The Game is a love story.
After a big night out, John wakes up in the shed with his late grandfather Max and his unborn son. John is excited to see Max, his favourite grandad. Max wants to give John the greatest gift he can – fatherhood. So what’s the problem? John’s dead; but it’s not too late, he can make a decision – live or die. John’s not sure if he wants to be a dad, he’d rather hang out with Max, like when he was young. Max wants John to be the man Max knows he can be and return to his life. Boy just wants a father who will love him and teach him how to be a good man.
Will John choose to live?
Written & Directed by Fiona McQueen
Produced by Nick Cain
Sound by Chris Wenn
Melbourne Fringe Festival
Preview: Tuesday 27 September 2011 at 7.30pm
Shows: Wednesday 28 September until Saturday 1 October 2011 at 7.30pm
The Workshed @ Ormond College
49 College Crescent, Parkville VIC 3052
Preview: $18
Shows: $25 Full/$20 Conc
Tickets on sale Tuesday 23 August 2011
Thanks for your time, i look forward to hearing your thoughts.Please check out for more on the show and the theatre company.
Carlton Men's shed is Coming soon.
Stay turned please, and if you have any suggestions and would like to involve please fill the form below and we will contact you.
Mens shed is another project for the Carlton men to give Men a safe place to interact share views,skills and get advice and help on any issue that concerns them.
We visited the Yarra Menshed lunch last week (29th of June 2011) I most say it was quite impresive although we heard it took a long time to reach where it is now. We are hoping it will not take anything like the time it took them, and we can also do better, watch out for it coming soon near you!!. Those who are interested to envolve in any way they like can fill the form bellow, and we make sure you are informed.
The Carlton Mens Shed (CMS) will be based under 510 Lygon st Carlton next to the CHERS Community Space and the new Estatecomputers centre which is part of the COOL project.
Opportunities for the men shed program
Mens shed is another project for the Carlton men to give Men a safe place to interact share views,skills and get advice and help on any issue that concerns them.
We visited the Yarra Menshed lunch last week (29th of June 2011) I most say it was quite impresive although we heard it took a long time to reach where it is now. We are hoping it will not take anything like the time it took them, and we can also do better, watch out for it coming soon near you!!. Those who are interested to envolve in any way they like can fill the form bellow, and we make sure you are informed.
The Carlton Mens Shed (CMS) will be based under 510 Lygon st Carlton next to the CHERS Community Space and the new Estatecomputers centre which is part of the COOL project.
Opportunities for the men shed program
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