Melbourne Lord Mayor Nick Reece Visited and well commed warmly by Carlton public housing community.Carlton high rise community well commed, Melbourne Lord Mayor Nick Reece. With a communitg BBQ. With him was two of his team's Coucilor candidates Hamdi Ali & Lisa Teh.
He promosed if reelected to be more responsive to the residents and all community, he is a proud Carlton resident with his family. Grant support for youth activities: Cheaper pool entery only $2. Free swimming leasons for children. But over all he is ginuinely very approachable city leader. |
Join us for a fund for all on saturday 29 October 2022 Starting 11 am.
At the 510 Community area between 510 lygon and 478 Drummond st Carlton.
At the 510 Community area between 510 lygon and 478 Drummond st Carlton.
DHHS Cyber Security Alert: Phishing emails targeting finance, payroll and procurement operations.
Please be aware that these emails are in circulation. These cyber criminals send emails that look like they are from members of your organisation, business/finance partners, affiliates or even clients. The emails we are aware of have two general types: Emails that provide attachments or links to invoices, purchase orders, remittance advice, etc. Link types may vary – Dropbox/One Drive, typical weblinks and pdf attachments. Emails requesting changes to payroll/vendor banking details, or confirmation of financial transactions. These may include malicious attachments, provide updated banking information for future payments, or seek confidential financial information. Know the Warning Signs Communication about finance matters is usually quite structured in nature. All organisations have set processes in place to handle them. You may receive an email seeking an ‘urgent’ payment or update to payroll details, but before clicking on any links, please consider: Who is the email from, who is it to and is anyone copied? Be very cautious if the from, to and cc information looks unusual, unfamiliar or incorrect e.g. typos. You would usually be able to verify the exact nature of an email from its subject, body text, attachment file name and email signature. Reference numbers and specific people/team names should be present. Does it make sense that you would be receiving this request? If you aren’t trained to respond to the finance-related task in the email, be sure to get help from the appropriate person/team in your organisation before doing anything. If the email relates directly to your work, can you verify what the email relates to: Do we have a financial relationship with this organisation? Can we verify that this person works at that organisation? Can the sender verify details they should know about legitimate transactions? Has the request been made using proper processes? Are links or attachments in the email of an unusual nature? Can any of the information in the email be verified against your records? Know what to do Understand cyber security limitations Don’t open an attachment or link to verify its exact nature through your records or trusted colleagues or contacts. Links and attachments in phishing emails usually contain the malicious content, which is activated by opening them. Follow your processes carefully Bank account details and financial transaction records are sensitive information. Processes within your organisation are there to protect all parties. Seek help if you are unsure. Unsure? If you can’t verify the legitimacy of this type of email, do not action and do not reply to the email. Alert your manager and get support from your IT department or your IT Service Provider. Learn more Learn about phishing and be on guard for phishing emails. Play this video which explains phishing in more details: Cyber Security Awareness Video - Email Phishing. Keep well-informed of scams reported by Australian community by visiting: Approved by: Dr Steve Hodgkinson Chief Information Officer – DHHS Carlton Residents say
Housing Maintanace:
Public Housing News

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An informal English Lounge Conversation
every Monday 2-3pm to come and practice their English language skills.
My name is Christopher Swain, I am the Community Programs Officer for North Carlton Library on Rathdowne Street. We currently run an informal English Conversation Lounge every Monday at 2-3pm for people to come and practice their English language skills and to meet people from around the world. It is completely free and is focussed on building confidence to speak English in a social setting.
There is a little more information here with a map of our location:
Many thanks,
Christopher Swain
Community Programs Officer
Yarra Libraries
Carlton Library, 667 Rathdowne St, North Carlton, VIC 3045
T (03) 9426 5604
E [email protected]
My name is Christopher Swain, I am the Community Programs Officer for North Carlton Library on Rathdowne Street. We currently run an informal English Conversation Lounge every Monday at 2-3pm for people to come and practice their English language skills and to meet people from around the world. It is completely free and is focussed on building confidence to speak English in a social setting.
There is a little more information here with a map of our location:
Many thanks,
Christopher Swain
Community Programs Officer
Yarra Libraries
Carlton Library, 667 Rathdowne St, North Carlton, VIC 3045
T (03) 9426 5604
E [email protected]
Public Notice 9/12/2015
CHERS Community meeting:
When Wednesday 16th December 2015.
510 Lygon st Carlton.
CHERS Would like to invite the Entire Carlton Residents for a discussion of what are the main issues which are effecting them.
So we can try and help them by taking it to the government and DHHS.
There is Allot being brought to us via the Carlton Legal Service and the Lawyer Mr Ian Cunliffe.
Carlton Legal Service runs @510 on Mondays and Fridays from 11am.onwards.
To inform them of other developments, Like the Carlton men's shed.
A number of other local Agencies will be present too.
CHERS Community meeting:
When Wednesday 16th December 2015.
510 Lygon st Carlton.
CHERS Would like to invite the Entire Carlton Residents for a discussion of what are the main issues which are effecting them.
So we can try and help them by taking it to the government and DHHS.
There is Allot being brought to us via the Carlton Legal Service and the Lawyer Mr Ian Cunliffe.
Carlton Legal Service runs @510 on Mondays and Fridays from 11am.onwards.
To inform them of other developments, Like the Carlton men's shed.
A number of other local Agencies will be present too.
To all Carlton men's shed members and associates
Dear Hamdi,
First off I’ll introduce myself, I am the volunteer co-ordinator at Bicycle Network, a not-for-profit that works to make bike riding easy for everyone. We also run big events such as the RACV Great Victorian Bike Ride which is coming up on November 28th. Volunteers are a vital part of everything we do, and we have approximately 2,500 active volunteers but we are looking for some extra hands at this year’s Great Vic and I am writing to invite the members of your shed along. The RACV Great Vic is a fun, friendly and challenging camping holiday. It’s the opportunity to spend a week in another world, where you join our canvas community while travelling through the beautiful Victorian countryside.
The roles we need help with include a number of different things; from campsite services which includes setting up water and generators, to catering equipment which is a rather elaborate trailer that has be repurposed as a washing facility for over 50 people. We also have positions in:
- logistics
- catering
- lunch
- driving
All volunteers are provided with food for the whole event, a team outfit, a thank you function plus a few extra goodies. They can borrow a tent if they need, and we provide transport from all regional centres. If you could share this opportunity with the members of the shed I would greatly appreciate it. There is no need for an interest in cycling just a willing, enthusiastic nature and desire to work in a team to help make the event a success! Volunteers head up on Friday 27thNov and return on Sunday 6th Dec. There is more information on the teams at the website here. But I am also happy to chat to anyone who may be interested.
Appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you soon!
Kind regards,
Claire Connell
Volunteer Coordinator
Level 4, 246 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000
p. (03) 8376 8873 m. 0425 394 428
RMIT University's Centre for Urban Research
Housing study: looking for participants
Are you a home owner or renter living in a high rise building? If so, researchers at RMIT University would like to interview you. We are interested in hearing why you live where you do, and how you make decisions about housing.
Participants will receive a $60 gift voucher in appreciation of their time.
The study will help us understand the decisions people make about their housing and provide insights into the future provision of affordable and liveable housing.
For more information or to register your interest, please contact Dr Megan Nethercote on the details listed below.
Phone: 0405 723 097
Email: [email protected]
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The CHERS AGM 2013-14 was the best attended ever, it was a very vibrant event which was represented almost all the groups who live in Carlton Public housing.
The Hournble Adam Bandt MP has attended and spoke very nicely about CHERS, Mr Bandt especiallyu mentioned that the last time he was here there was a much smaller attended, he was very impressed the turn out and the change.
He mentioned thinks his office worked with CHERS to help the residents of Carlton, like the Housing waiting list,the safety and the drug issue, and the National Broadbanbd Network (NBN) which is been rouled out currently in Carlton. Adam's office helped anomalously about the NBN for the Carlton High rises, reffer to the NBN news.
The Meeting was MC by Mr Ian Cunliffe a Senior Lawyer he is very familiar to the residents of Carlton and some other public housing residents in inner North of Melbourne.
The Hournble Adam Bandt MP has attended and spoke very nicely about CHERS, Mr Bandt especiallyu mentioned that the last time he was here there was a much smaller attended, he was very impressed the turn out and the change.
He mentioned thinks his office worked with CHERS to help the residents of Carlton, like the Housing waiting list,the safety and the drug issue, and the National Broadbanbd Network (NBN) which is been rouled out currently in Carlton. Adam's office helped anomalously about the NBN for the Carlton High rises, reffer to the NBN news.
The Meeting was MC by Mr Ian Cunliffe a Senior Lawyer he is very familiar to the residents of Carlton and some other public housing residents in inner North of Melbourne.
Is NBN coming to all of Carlton, including the public?
Carlton question starts after 16 min

Vacancies for U13 boys (11, 12 years of age)
Who are keen soccer players interested in joining a local team.
There are spots for 5 or 6 boys. Games are on Sunday mornings 11:20, home ground Sumner Park in East Brunswick and then away games at various grounds throughout the North/West
ie Preston, Moreland, Bundoora etc The season runs until early September.
Training is at McCallister Oval, Park St Parkville next to tennis courts on
Wed and Fri nights at 6:30pm
They can start playing as soon as they register online on the Football
Federation Victoria website. to Self-Register
You will need to either upload a passport size photo through the website or provide Brunswick Zebras With a photo that they can paste
onto their id card. When it gets to the payment section of the registration
process you should select the 'pay at club' option.
The cost will need to be sorted out, but without promising anything yet I'm
sure Brunswick Zebras can come up with a solution to enable interested boys to play, as
they are inviting them to join.
Playing and training tops, shorts, socks will be provided. The boys need to
have their own shin pads and boots. Let me know if they need assistance
getting these together.
Ring me to discuss if any boys want some more info or want to come to
training on Wednesday or Friday night, and if they need help getting there.
Sean Farrell Team Manager U13s
Brunswick Zebras
Mob: 0432761879
Vacancies for U13 boys (11, 12 years of age)
Who are keen soccer players interested in joining a local team.
There are spots for 5 or 6 boys. Games are on Sunday mornings 11:20, home ground Sumner Park in East Brunswick and then away games at various grounds throughout the North/West
ie Preston, Moreland, Bundoora etc The season runs until early September.
Training is at McCallister Oval, Park St Parkville next to tennis courts on
Wed and Fri nights at 6:30pm
They can start playing as soon as they register online on the Football
Federation Victoria website. to Self-Register
You will need to either upload a passport size photo through the website or provide Brunswick Zebras With a photo that they can paste
onto their id card. When it gets to the payment section of the registration
process you should select the 'pay at club' option.
The cost will need to be sorted out, but without promising anything yet I'm
sure Brunswick Zebras can come up with a solution to enable interested boys to play, as
they are inviting them to join.
Playing and training tops, shorts, socks will be provided. The boys need to
have their own shin pads and boots. Let me know if they need assistance
getting these together.
Ring me to discuss if any boys want some more info or want to come to
training on Wednesday or Friday night, and if they need help getting there.
Sean Farrell Team Manager U13s
Brunswick Zebras
Mob: 0432761879
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Invitation to Garden Party - Shape Your Carlton 3 March 2014
This event is really important and I would appreciate if you could circulate the event to CHERS members and people you work with on the estate.
As always, I would appreciate if you could attend as well. Jas. ********************************************************************** Date: Monday 3 March 2014 Time: 5.30pm - 7pm Location: Macarthur Square, Carlton (in between Rathdowne and Canning St’s) Food: FREE BBQ Activities: Children activities - giant board games Free Shuttle Bus from Carlton Baths to Macarthur Sq. if you have a group or not sure how to get there. To register, contact Jas (details below). Bus leaves at 5.15pm. Please note: This is an outdoor event, if weather conditions do not permit for this event to occur we will be conducting the garden party at Carlton Baths. Adequate information will be provided via online, emails and signs will notify participants that the venue has changed. |
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It's an exciting time for Carlton Neighbourhood over the coming weeks. Community, residents, agencies, visitors, students and businesses are invited to participate in the consultations about a Collaboration Framework and encouraged to save the dates to participate in forums and workshops. Updates on the venue and times for the workshop and forum will be available next week. Please circulate this flyer and links to participate on line as far and wide as possible. Thank you.
A fantastic event for anyone with a second hand goods, they would like to sell, please register below:
On the day there will be two free workshops from 1pm – 3pm:
REMAKE WORKSHOP (max. 25 people).
Ever wondered how you can create something useful out items that you would normally throw away? In this hands-on workshop you will be introduced to the problem of waste in our cities and how each and every one of us can be part of making a sustainable future through up-cycling. Kyle Bush of Humble Be Workshop will give participants an overview of what it means to be sustainable in today’s world, followed by a demonstration and creative workshop in which every participant will make their own up-cycled item to take home.
Each person will have the choice between making a notebook OR a photo frame and will need to bring along some items to help make it their own personalised design.
For notebook:
each participant will need to bring a piece of fabric to use as the book cover (old clothing/curtains etc.) + a handful of A4 paper which has been printed on one side only.
For the photo frame:
each participant will need to bring a printed photograph – landscape or portrait -at the standard 4inches X 6 inches (102mm X 152mm) + an unwanted or second hand hardback book at least 120mm X 170mm in size
To register please visit:
Will provide advice, tips and demonstrations to get your bike ready for summer. You can bring your bike along, ask questions, get demonstrations on how to change a tube, free bike assessments and tune ups. To find out more about Good Cycles please visit:
Environment Victoria will be there on the day with books, clothes and household goods, plus sustainability goodies for sale. Also information on smart shopping and smart resource use.
Jasmina Stanic | Neighbourhood Development Officer
(Carlton and Parkville Neighbourhoods) | Community Strengthening
On the day there will be two free workshops from 1pm – 3pm:
REMAKE WORKSHOP (max. 25 people).
Ever wondered how you can create something useful out items that you would normally throw away? In this hands-on workshop you will be introduced to the problem of waste in our cities and how each and every one of us can be part of making a sustainable future through up-cycling. Kyle Bush of Humble Be Workshop will give participants an overview of what it means to be sustainable in today’s world, followed by a demonstration and creative workshop in which every participant will make their own up-cycled item to take home.
Each person will have the choice between making a notebook OR a photo frame and will need to bring along some items to help make it their own personalised design.
For notebook:
each participant will need to bring a piece of fabric to use as the book cover (old clothing/curtains etc.) + a handful of A4 paper which has been printed on one side only.
For the photo frame:
each participant will need to bring a printed photograph – landscape or portrait -at the standard 4inches X 6 inches (102mm X 152mm) + an unwanted or second hand hardback book at least 120mm X 170mm in size
To register please visit:
Will provide advice, tips and demonstrations to get your bike ready for summer. You can bring your bike along, ask questions, get demonstrations on how to change a tube, free bike assessments and tune ups. To find out more about Good Cycles please visit:
Environment Victoria will be there on the day with books, clothes and household goods, plus sustainability goodies for sale. Also information on smart shopping and smart resource use.
Jasmina Stanic | Neighbourhood Development Officer
(Carlton and Parkville Neighbourhoods) | Community Strengthening
Making Your home Safe forum
Hosted by
Carlton Housing Estate Resident Services (CHERS) and The VPTA.
510 Lygon St Carlton
Community Hall
2nd July
Forum Program
6.30pm -6.50 pm, Nick Parissis, Leading Senior Constable
6.50pm –7.10 pm, Steve O’Malley, Metropolitan Fire Brigade
7.10pm – 7.30pm, DHS Representative, Valda Cupido
7.30pm – 7.50pm, Nigel Coppick Wilson, Security
7.50pm – 8.10pm, Melbourne City Council, Lyn Dundon
· Soomali:Nabad galinta Gurigaaga
Waxaa Jiri doona Bakhtiyaa nasiib
· Arabic: جعل بيتك امنا المحفل
.سيكون إعطاء المختفى
· Turkish: Evinizi emniyetli ve guvenli yapmak icin onemli toplantl.
` Temmuz 2, Zaman 6:30p, Ikramiyeler olacak.
There will be Prices to be won (Shopping Vouchers)
Carlton Housing Estate Resident Services (CHERS) and The VPTA.
510 Lygon St Carlton
Community Hall
2nd July
Forum Program
6.30pm -6.50 pm, Nick Parissis, Leading Senior Constable
6.50pm –7.10 pm, Steve O’Malley, Metropolitan Fire Brigade
7.10pm – 7.30pm, DHS Representative, Valda Cupido
7.30pm – 7.50pm, Nigel Coppick Wilson, Security
7.50pm – 8.10pm, Melbourne City Council, Lyn Dundon
· Soomali:Nabad galinta Gurigaaga
Waxaa Jiri doona Bakhtiyaa nasiib
· Arabic: جعل بيتك امنا المحفل
.سيكون إعطاء المختفى
· Turkish: Evinizi emniyetli ve guvenli yapmak icin onemli toplantl.
` Temmuz 2, Zaman 6:30p, Ikramiyeler olacak.
There will be Prices to be won (Shopping Vouchers)
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Horn of Africa community leaders share fair trading tips - Media release
Great opportunity
Casual Jobs
Want to help out for the upcoming 2012 local councils and looking for casual work?
Go to the VEC website to register now.
Not working now, just want to ear more or build up your CV and experience while paid for a days work.
Victorian Electoral Commission VEC would accept applications from any resident who want to work at the upcoming Victorian Local Council elections.
There has been already successful applicants at the recent Melbourne by-election.
Come to CHERS and we can help you fill the application and any other Support you may need including Computer with Internet printer and Phone.
Just drop by on Mondays Tuesdays and Wednesdays, other days are possible too by appointment.
For More Go to the VEC website
to register your interest now.
Go to the VEC website to register now.
Not working now, just want to ear more or build up your CV and experience while paid for a days work.
Victorian Electoral Commission VEC would accept applications from any resident who want to work at the upcoming Victorian Local Council elections.
There has been already successful applicants at the recent Melbourne by-election.
Come to CHERS and we can help you fill the application and any other Support you may need including Computer with Internet printer and Phone.
Just drop by on Mondays Tuesdays and Wednesdays, other days are possible too by appointment.
For More Go to the VEC website
to register your interest now.
Be part of creating a new men’s shed in Southbank
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Grants 2012 open

Are you inspired to be a film maker?

My name is Vessal from Channel 31 and I am the project manager for a free film-making training for young people from diverse backgrounds. I was wondering if you could pass on the info about the project to some of your young people?
Attached is a flyer for recruitment, I can also send you some hard copies of posters and flyers if needed. This is a wonderful opportunity for young people who are looking to do something creative and don't know where to starts!
Thanks and please don't hesitate to email me if there are any questions!
Vessal Safaei
Project Coordinator
Tel: 0403 138 113
[email protected]
Attached is a flyer for recruitment, I can also send you some hard copies of posters and flyers if needed. This is a wonderful opportunity for young people who are looking to do something creative and don't know where to starts!
Thanks and please don't hesitate to email me if there are any questions!
Vessal Safaei
Project Coordinator
Tel: 0403 138 113
[email protected]
The Housing Framework Discussion
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Important Notice
Carlton Estate Fathers:
Are you a Farther living in the Carlton Housing Estate or now some one who is, or expecting.
City of Melbourne would like to hear your views.
The City is keen to engage the Fathers.
So please come today 7pm for information and discussion about what issues you may have.
when Today Thursday: 26/4/2012
Where: 510 Lygon st Community Space
When: 7:0pm.
CHERS Management:
City of Melbourne would like to hear your views.
The City is keen to engage the Fathers.
So please come today 7pm for information and discussion about what issues you may have.
when Today Thursday: 26/4/2012
Where: 510 Lygon st Community Space
When: 7:0pm.
CHERS Management:
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CHERS, Noticeboard
COTA, Carlton course next Tuesday 20 March, 2 – 4pm.
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What do you think about people using public land for street gardens?
Residents, Community and Businesses
The City of Melbourne is currently undertaking a consultation process around the issue of street gardens, following interest from within the municipality.
Distinct from organised community gardens, street gardens are a way for people to use public land – like nature strips, footpaths, median strips or laneways to create small gardening spaces for food, ornamental or other green infrastructure purposes.
The City of Melbourne would like to determine the level of interest in this topic, so is inviting the community to provide feedback on both the concept of street gardens and the draft Street Gardens Guidelines.
The feedback received will be used to assist Council consider its policy position in relation to street gardens.
A copy of the draft Street Gardens Guidelines can also be downloaded at We invite you to provide your comments by completing the online survey.
Additionally, you can forward your thoughts either via email [email protected] or in writing to City of Melbourne Health Services Branch, GPO BOX 1603, MELBOURNE VIC 3001. The closing date for completing the online survey is Friday 9th March, 2012.
If you would like a hard copy of the draft Street Gardens Guidelines to review contact us at[email protected] or phone 03 9658 9658. We look forward to your involvement in this consultation.
The City of Melbourne is currently undertaking a consultation process around the issue of street gardens, following interest from within the municipality.
Distinct from organised community gardens, street gardens are a way for people to use public land – like nature strips, footpaths, median strips or laneways to create small gardening spaces for food, ornamental or other green infrastructure purposes.
The City of Melbourne would like to determine the level of interest in this topic, so is inviting the community to provide feedback on both the concept of street gardens and the draft Street Gardens Guidelines.
The feedback received will be used to assist Council consider its policy position in relation to street gardens.
A copy of the draft Street Gardens Guidelines can also be downloaded at We invite you to provide your comments by completing the online survey.
Additionally, you can forward your thoughts either via email [email protected] or in writing to City of Melbourne Health Services Branch, GPO BOX 1603, MELBOURNE VIC 3001. The closing date for completing the online survey is Friday 9th March, 2012.
If you would like a hard copy of the draft Street Gardens Guidelines to review contact us at[email protected] or phone 03 9658 9658. We look forward to your involvement in this consultation.
We thank The City of Melbourne's
"Sports Without Borders, Run, Kick, Play Active Carlton project"
for their Support of the Team BBQ.
There has been a slight change of the BBQ instead of the 26th now it is the 27th, the boys said they have to attend a play at the AMI Park stadium on the 26th.
The Carlton Soccer Team which did well in the ASFA tournament by becoming the third without any meaningful support from outside. We would like to say to them well done and show that the community is behind them in any way we can.
The BBQ:
When Friday 27th at 5:30pm
Where: The newly finished BBQ area in front of the 510 Community Hall.
The Relocation research team

Pre-Apprenticeship Training Opportunities!
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Interpreter training and scholarships
The Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship (OMAC), Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC), is offering scholarships to suitable applicants enrolled in the Diploma of Interpreting at RMIT University. Scholarship recipients will receive $2,000. This amount will cover the cost of course fees for a Government-funded place in the course.
Applications for the 2012 are now open.
The following languages are being targeted in 2012.
Applications for the 2012 are now open.
The following languages are being targeted in 2012.
- Dinka
- Kirundi
- Nepali
- Oromo
- Somali
- Tedim (Chin)
Neill St Reserve Improvements Community Consultation Sessions

What would you like to see on the Neill St Reserve? … Some tenants so far have mentioned sport areas for teenagers/young adults, a natural amphitheatre for music, to keep the existing basketball court …
While there are no promises yet (City of Melbourne won’t know until next year if they have money for it), they are wanting to improve the Neill St reserve, and they would like to hear from you what you would like.
The reserve currently has the basketball court on Rathdowne St, the existing playground, and BBQs and paths near the corner of Lygon and Palmerston Sts. It also includes the strip of grass between the church and the school
But City of Melbourne is developing an improvement plan for Neill Street Reserve in Carlton. The reserve runs from Lygon to Rathdowne streets. With landscape works underway at the adjacent DHS Housing site, and new social and private housing completed near by, it is timely to look at options for improving the amenity of Neill St Reserve for all local residents. You are invited to participate in one of the following community consultation sessions:
Thursday, 20 October 2011, 5.30 – 6.30pm
Saturday, 22 October 2011, 10 – 11am
Venue: Multi-Purpose Room, Carlton Primary School. Entry is via the corner of Palmerston and Drummond streets.
At the sessions you will learn more about the project and share your thoughts for improving the reserve. Interpreters in the following languages will be available:
If you can please circulate this invite through your networks - it would be great to hear your thoughts on making the most of this public space.
While there are no promises yet (City of Melbourne won’t know until next year if they have money for it), they are wanting to improve the Neill St reserve, and they would like to hear from you what you would like.
The reserve currently has the basketball court on Rathdowne St, the existing playground, and BBQs and paths near the corner of Lygon and Palmerston Sts. It also includes the strip of grass between the church and the school
But City of Melbourne is developing an improvement plan for Neill Street Reserve in Carlton. The reserve runs from Lygon to Rathdowne streets. With landscape works underway at the adjacent DHS Housing site, and new social and private housing completed near by, it is timely to look at options for improving the amenity of Neill St Reserve for all local residents. You are invited to participate in one of the following community consultation sessions:
Thursday, 20 October 2011, 5.30 – 6.30pm
Saturday, 22 October 2011, 10 – 11am
Venue: Multi-Purpose Room, Carlton Primary School. Entry is via the corner of Palmerston and Drummond streets.
At the sessions you will learn more about the project and share your thoughts for improving the reserve. Interpreters in the following languages will be available:
- Arabic
- Somali
- Turkish
- Vietnamese
- Chinese
If you can please circulate this invite through your networks - it would be great to hear your thoughts on making the most of this public space.
You are invited to attend an
5pm - 6pm on Wednesday 5 October 2011
510 Lygon Street Community Space
The session will provide you with information on :-
updated evacuation plans in your building, and
evacuation warning system
it will be an opportunity to raise any questions you may have on these
5pm - 6pm on Wednesday 5 October 2011
510 Lygon Street Community Space
The session will provide you with information on :-
updated evacuation plans in your building, and
evacuation warning system
it will be an opportunity to raise any questions you may have on these
The Relocation research team
Dear all,
We are looking for tenants who have been involved in the relocation process (who have been relocated or just care about it) and would like to contribute to a research project run by Flinders University, VicHealth and the Brotherhood of St Laurence,
about the relocation process.
We are going to have a Steering Committee that will meet only twice a year, where we would like to hear your views and opinions in regards to the relocation process that has taken place in the Carlton Redevelopment.
If you are interested or just want to know more, please contact Iris Levin,
on 0438 175 687 or at [email protected] and she will explain you exactly what it is all about
There will be a $50 voucher for people who want to be part of the Committee, for each meeting we are looking for two persons - one who has been through relocation, and one who hasn't.
Thank you,
The Relocation research team
We are looking for tenants who have been involved in the relocation process (who have been relocated or just care about it) and would like to contribute to a research project run by Flinders University, VicHealth and the Brotherhood of St Laurence,
about the relocation process.
We are going to have a Steering Committee that will meet only twice a year, where we would like to hear your views and opinions in regards to the relocation process that has taken place in the Carlton Redevelopment.
If you are interested or just want to know more, please contact Iris Levin,
on 0438 175 687 or at [email protected] and she will explain you exactly what it is all about
There will be a $50 voucher for people who want to be part of the Committee, for each meeting we are looking for two persons - one who has been through relocation, and one who hasn't.
Thank you,
The Relocation research team
City of Melbourne's Spring Clean 2011
Dear public housing tenant groups
Spring Clean 2011
Once again the City of Melbourne is running our popular Spring Clean campaign where we boost our regular cleaning activities and provide special 'clean and green' offers to the community to help keep the City looking its best.
All the details are available at
This year, the free offers available to your members include:
For more information about any of these offers, or to make a booking, please visit or call the City of Melbourne on 9658 9658.
Kind regards
Spring Clean 2011
Once again the City of Melbourne is running our popular Spring Clean campaign where we boost our regular cleaning activities and provide special 'clean and green' offers to the community to help keep the City looking its best.
All the details are available at
This year, the free offers available to your members include:
- e-waste recycling day (including all electronic waste, electrical applicances and acessories, fluorescent tubes, compact fluorescent globes, household paint and batteries)
- mobile phone recycling in partnership with Zoos Victoria
- home composting workshops.
For more information about any of these offers, or to make a booking, please visit or call the City of Melbourne on 9658 9658.
Kind regards
The Holy Month of Ramadan
Mufti of Australia's statement on Eid